Do Heels Really Make a Difference?

I love heels but wearing them for 8+ hours can be rough! I have always felt that I hold myself differently when I wear heels and I like to think that I look more confident and professional when I wear them but does it actually make a difference? I wore heels and flats through out …

Discovering Siasconset

Every time I come to Nantucket I am constantly surprised that I keep finding new places to discover. My last day off was a perfect sunny, spring day so I decided to do a little exploring. I headed to the idilic village of 'Sconset to walk the bluff walk. The path starts in the center …

Morning Makeup

I don't know what to call this post. I feel like it should be called My Everyday Makeup Routine but that just wouldn't be honest. I'm going to talk about how I put on makeup in the morning but I can hardly call it a routine. I love makeup and pampering myself in the morning by …

Starting a New Job

New beginnings are always a little scary. First day of school. First day of college. First day of an internship. First day at a new job!!! I always get butterflies when starting or trying something new. I mean who doesn't right?...I'm super jealous of those naturally confident people who are just charming and everything seems …